Monday, 31 March 2014

Cosy Up To This!

I survived a self-inflicted, gruelling sewing bonanza to get this finished in time for my sister-in-law's birthday.  So, here is my first-ever cafetiere cosy!

I reviewed several cafetiere cosy design ideas; but, none of them seemed versatile enough for what I had in mind.

Y'see, this household has three cafetieres of various sizes... and, a motley collection of teapots.

To adopt the popular wrap-around cosy design would have meant making a separate cosy for each cafetiere.  Plus, I'd feel compelled to, also, make a separate teapot cosy... Well, I had neither the material, nor time, for such a project.

Hmmm... What if I make a "one-size-fits-all" cosy?

Monday, 24 March 2014

"Too Smart For Your iPhone?"

After a first time around "whoopsies" while "winging it" with the original owl-print phone wristlet, I created this one... Woo-Hoo! 

Phew! During my first attempt at this creation, my needle-clamp screw broke; so, I had to send off for a replacement.

I thought I was going to run out of "March" before being able to successfully finish my project for this month's blog post!

My design features: